The three levels of programs within FUND, Inc. are designed to unify residents in a target neighborhood by introducing them to each other through engagement in monthly neighborhood meetings and on-going restoration projects.  Applicants have historically not qualified for other programs to receive the assistance needed or lacked the skills to navigate the systems or know just where to begin.  By utilizing the residents as the volunteer force, this increases the social cohesion of the neighborhood.

Each program begins with an orientation meeting, an application process, and a committment to help on  other neighborhood projects.  Once the application is approved by the neighborhood committee, an inspection of the entire home is completed and health and safety concerns are identifiied.

Based on the income level and number of family living in the home, the applicant is required to make the first contribution to their project.  The project scope of work and timeline is created by the Executive Director and resources are sought out in the community to assist with completion.  Volunteer forces are mobilized beginning with the applicant and their neighbors, in-kind donation are acquired, and the necessary funding is allocated.